The Future is Green

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Solar Green Solutions: Your trusted partner for commercial solar panels, storage and EV Chargers

Solar Green Solutions is a leading provider of commercial solar panel installations. We understand the unique energy needs of businesses of all sizes, and we have the expertise to design and install a solar system that meets your specific requirements.

Contact us today to learn more about how solar panels can benefit your business. We offer free consultations and quotes, so there’s no obligation.

What can Commercial Solar panels do for your business?

Reduce electricity bills

As electricity costs continually rise, sunlight still remains free. We can build a bespoke solar solution that fits your requirements and budget. Solar panels can save you up to 70% on your energy bills. That’s money you can put back into your business.

Add value to your property

Studies have shown that solar panels can increase the value of commercial properties by an average of 3% to 5%. This is because solar panels are seen as a desirable feature by buyers and tenants, who are increasingly looking for sustainable properties.

Improve your EPC

If you’re looking to build, sell or rent your property you’ll need an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). From 1 April 2023, all existing commercial properties must have an EPC rating of E or above. A 4kw system can add up to 15 points to your EPC rating.

Reduce your carbon footprint

Solar electricity is green, renewable and doesn’t release harmful carbon dioxide or pollutants. This can help you reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a healthier environment.

Here are some additional things to consider when evaluating whether solar can add value to your commercial property:

  • The size and location of your property: Solar panels are most effective in areas with high levels of sunlight. If your property is located in a shady area, you may not see as much of a benefit from solar.

  • The amount of energy your business consumes: The more energy your business consumes, the more you can save by installing solar panels.

  • Your budget: The cost of solar panels can vary depending on the size and type of system you choose. It is important to factor in the cost of installation and maintenance when evaluating the overall cost of solar.

If you are still unsure whether solar is right for your commercial property, I recommend speaking to a solar installer. They can help you assess your needs and determine if solar is a good fit for your business.